Basic Etiquettes That You Need to Follow at a Yoga Studio

Yoga Classes

When joining a gym, club or yoga studio, it is important to know the rules and regulations. Not just that, it is also helpful to understand basic etiquette.

All yoga studios Brisbane follow similar basic etiquette. Here is some basic etiquette that you should follow when at a Yoga studio –

Wear Clean Clothes

It is extremely important to wear clean and fresh clothing during your yoga workout. Nobody wants to smell stinky odours in the yoga studio during a relaxing workout. If you tend to sweat during the day or on your way to yoga, it’s a good idea to have a change of clothes, even if it’s just to be on the safe side.

Put you Phone on Silent Mode

As a basic etiquette and mutual respect for other yogis at the studio, it is best to keep your phone on silent during class so that there are no distractions. Any distractions during yoga class can be extremely annoying for everyone in the yoga class.

Smell Fresh

That’s right! It is extremely important to smell fresh during a relaxing yoga session. Just like wearing clean clothes, it is important to have a shower or at least freshen your deodorant to be fresh yourself! Body odour can be extremely annoying to everyone around you.

Be Punctual

A yoga class is always scheduled on time and the studios have different classes scheduled through out the day that is why it is extremely important to show up on time. No one likes an unpunctual person! Yoga studios Brisbane have strict policies on being punctual to class. Some studios even lock the doors, allow plenty of time to get to class!

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