Beginner’s Guide for Yoga


Are you a beginner at Yoga and looking for a good routine at a professional yoga studio? Here are a few tips you need to keep in mind before starting your yoga routine –

Yoga Studio Location

The yoga studio should be located at a convenient distance to your home or office. Making it easily accessible to walk or drive. Look for a studio with the offering the best yoga Brisbane that is not too far from your home. This will ensure you have a regular yoga routine without any travel excuses.

Proper and Healthy Diet

Following a proper diet of healthy vegetables and fruits helps the body stay more relaxed and calm. Also, ensure you do yoga on empty stomach or 2-3 hours after meals to avoid discomfort.

Dress Comfy

There’s no need to buy fancy workout clothes and expensive trainers for a yoga class. Yoga is done barefoot and requires the person to be at ease. So, dress in comfortable clothes such as track pants and a loose t-shirt this will help you move and stretch easily.

Avoid the first rows

If you are a beginner, try to stay in the middle of the yoga studio. This helps you see how other people are doing their best yoga Brisbane workout and helps you learn the stretches faster.

Basic Hygiene

If you’re practicingat a professional yoga studio, it is important to wear deodorant and ensure you wear fresh clean clothes every day. There’s nothing more unpleasant that smelling someone’s body odor while doing deep breathing exercises!

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