Experience Happiness and Wellbeing with Yoga

Experience Happiness and Wellbeing with Yoga“We all want happiness, and yoga is the way for that much-needed happiness factor in life.” – Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Yoga isn’t just about good health or coping with your mental conditions; it takes you on a blissful journey of self-awareness and inner peace. Yoga is the world’s best secret to unfathomed happiness and wellbeing. Materialistic pleasures may come and go, but practicing yoga helps enhance mindfulness and the feeling of gratitude and compassion. And these connect you to greater happiness that is unmatched in this universe. Join expert coaching to master the best yoga in Brisbane.

Practice Flexibility…Be Happy

The physical aspect of yoga cannot be overlooked to pursue wellbeing and contentment in life. As you slowly stretch your body, you will experience the energy moving throughout. With every posture, you feel anxiety, stress and doubtfulness leaving your body, and you become more confident. As you gain more flexibility, it helps balance the connection between your body and the mind. As it hasbeen rightly said, “You cannot always control what goes on outside. But you can always control what goes on inside.” Flexibility through yoga not only helps control your body but your inner self too.

“Yoga is the Practice of Quieting the Mind”

Yoga is all about the right posture, controlled breathing, focused concentration and meditation. As you start practicing the art, you can release some of your inhibitions and restraints. Gradually, you start experiencing positive observances and self-awareness. Yoga asanas, breathing techniques and mindfulness meditation take you to the stage of sheer bliss and enlightenment. Though the journey is difficult to attain, the rewards are limitless. Yoga brings tranquillity and calmness within you that brings greater happiness.

Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Sleep deprivation is one of the primary reasons behind all health problems…and lack of happiness in life. After all, when you are stressed out and staying awake night after night, how could you be happy! Yoga aids in better sleep by cutting down on your anxiety, stress and depression. Practice yoga every night before going to sleep and the next morning when you wake up, you are all happy and cheerful!

So to live a happy&healthy life, join the top classes to learn the best yoga in Brisbane.

Yoga Posture – Do I Really Do It Right?

Yoga Posture – Do I Really Do It Right?The importance of good posture when practicing Brisbane yoga is undisputed. Swami Kriyananda very appropriately said, “Right posture is vitally important to the yogi.” Any yoga asana “…should be practiced for gaining steady posture, health and lightness of body.” It is one of the most vital elements of success in meditation and “the fruit of right poise is the strength to resist the shocks of infatuation or sorrow” – Patanjali in his Yoga Sutras.

So, is your yoga posture right? Or does it need a little adjustment? Why this matters is because the secret to meditation is “sitting upright with a straight spine; feeling that your strength emanates from your spine rather than from the muscles of your body” – Swami Kriyananda. After years of practicing yoga, do you want to end up seeing yourself meditating with a bent spine? As Yogananda rightly said that “Abent spine is the enemy of self-realization,” practicing incorrect yoga posture will never help you attain enlightenment and wellbeing.

Let’s see what our Yoga gurus point out as right postures to express energy, vitality, and happiness:

•    Sit on a silk or woollen blanket facing the east
•    Your spine straight
•    The abdomen in
•    Your chest out
•    The chin should be positioned parallel to the ground
•    The shoulder blades should be placed together
•    The cup-shaped palms should rest upturned at the junction of your thighs and abdomen
•    Your eyes should be closed or half-closed; look up without the eyes crossed

Practicing Brisbane yoga in the correct posture will make your body feel light and relaxed, yet emitting energy and power. The centre of your body (the spine) …see how glorious and healthy it feels! You would experience your inner strength and happiness emanating from your spine instead from the muscles of your body. Do it wrong and you will observe your “house of meditation” instantly crumbling!

Yoga asanas are an immense blessing when it comes to spinal awareness and improving back strength. “The majority of the yoga postures related in some way or another to the development of this spinal awareness, either by stretching and irrigating the spine, or by inducing a more centred consciousness.” So practice yoga regularly and integrate the postures in your daily lifestyle to get effective results.

Join Brisbane yoga today and know what the right posture is for you.

Blog Source: https://cultivatecalmyoga12.blogspot.com/2019/07/yoga-posture-do-i-really-do-it-right.html

Importance of Yoga and Why You Need Yoga in Your Life

Yoga Classes

Yoga is one of the best physical activities and exercises that most of the doctors and therapists all over the world recommend to people of all ages. Children as young as 4 years old have started practicing yoga and as have people as old as 80 years! Yoga helps to improve the body’s flexibility as well as the muscle and core strength of the body. This helps to improve the blood circulation in the body and reduces muscle and joint pains significantly.

Doctors and physiotherapists always recommend enrolling yourself in yoga classes at least 3 times a week if not more. A good one-hour session of yoga at the best yoga Brisbane studio can help relax, relieve tense muscles and improve your stamina as well. When the muscles and body is relaxed, the overall mental state of the personal also improves. When a person has constant body aches and digestion problems, they will experience extreme fatigue as well as extreme mood swings, which might cause them to become depressed and more stressed. This is where yoga comes to the rescue!

Yoga also improves breathing and lung capacity, that then improves the circulation of oxygen in the body. It aids in battling asthma, sinusitis and it helps to also improve mental health. Most of the people who practice yoga daily experience an uplift in their thought process.

So, enroll yourself in yoga classes today and turn your life around! Become a healthier and more positive version of yourself with yoga!

Basic Etiquettes That You Need to Follow at a Yoga Studio

Yoga Classes

When joining a gym, club or yoga studio, it is important to know the rules and regulations. Not just that, it is also helpful to understand basic etiquette.

All yoga studios Brisbane follow similar basic etiquette. Here is some basic etiquette that you should follow when at a Yoga studio –

Wear Clean Clothes

It is extremely important to wear clean and fresh clothing during your yoga workout. Nobody wants to smell stinky odours in the yoga studio during a relaxing workout. If you tend to sweat during the day or on your way to yoga, it’s a good idea to have a change of clothes, even if it’s just to be on the safe side.

Put you Phone on Silent Mode

As a basic etiquette and mutual respect for other yogis at the studio, it is best to keep your phone on silent during class so that there are no distractions. Any distractions during yoga class can be extremely annoying for everyone in the yoga class.

Smell Fresh

That’s right! It is extremely important to smell fresh during a relaxing yoga session. Just like wearing clean clothes, it is important to have a shower or at least freshen your deodorant to be fresh yourself! Body odour can be extremely annoying to everyone around you.

Be Punctual

A yoga class is always scheduled on time and the studios have different classes scheduled through out the day that is why it is extremely important to show up on time. No one likes an unpunctual person! Yoga studios Brisbane have strict policies on being punctual to class. Some studios even lock the doors, allow plenty of time to get to class!

Why Should You Start Yoga Exercises?

Yoga Classes

Yoga has recently gained popularity for its amazing health and mental growth benefits. Doctors and therapists around the globe recommend yoga as therapy and exercise along with their medications to promote an overall improvement of your health. A lot of professionals teach yoga at studios or at the patient/person’s houses for a one on one session. So why is yoga so popular and why should you start yoga therapy and exercises? Here are a few reasons why :

Regulates Blood Flow

With the yoga in Brisbane stretch exercises, the body feels more relaxed due to the regulated blood flow. Stretching the muscles and joints during yoga helps to improve blood flow to areas that are usually not exercised.

Improves Mental Health

With the regulation of blood flow in the body, the tense muscles feel more relaxed which makes a person feel relaxed and stress-free. This automatically improves the mental state of mind of the person and makes him/her more calm and focused.

Improves Stamina

Breathing exercises and yoga asanas help to improve the body’s stamina so that the person can indulge in more physical activities such as sports, running or even gardening without exerting the body! Breathing exercises increase the lung’s capacity. This also helps in building stamina.

Helps Fight Diseases

Diseases such as high blood pressure, hyper-tension, asthma, obesity, cholesterol, joint aches and many other health problems can be easily treated with regular yoga exercises.

So, what are you waiting for? Join us for yoga in Brisbane and get on the healthy journey yourself! You can continue yoga with your regular gym exercises and medications as well without any hassle. Do consult your doctor or health instructor before you start any yoga exercises and discuss your injuries with the yoga instructor in advance.

Starting Yoga Should I Practice At Home or Join a Studio?


These days, more and more people are joining yoga studios. When we think of practicing yoga, a dilemma pops in our mind, “whether we should join a yoga studio or should practice at home?” Yoga Brisbane has its advantages regardless of where you want to practice. Let’s take you through the benefits of both to help you in making the best choice for you.

Yoga only requires small space to practice the different asanas and postures. People often want to practice yoga at home because they don’t want to travel to any of the yoga studios Brisbane. However, while practicing on your own there will is no teacher to observe you and to tell you whether you are practicing asanas correctly or not. Many of the benefits of yoga are only available if a posture or asana is done correctly. When starting something like yoga Brisbane, we often require others to keep us motivated on our journey and to maintain the interest and challenge in the activity.

Joining any of the Yoga studios Brisbane and practicing yoga under the guidance of a trained yoga Brisbane professional can really help you deepen your skills and efficiently improve your performance as well.

Cultivate Calm Yoga is one of the most reliable and reputable Yoga studios Brisbane that offer a tranquil space to practice yoga. They have a team of highly experienced and friendly teachers who motivate you to get better and guide you and assist you with asanas and postures.

How Cultivate Yoga Can Help You Feel Good From The Inside?

Yoga Classes

At Cultivate Yoga, we strongly believe being healthy doesn’t mean that you should be just physically fit. You should feel good from inside. We firmly believe that a regular yoga practice will not only benefit your overall well-being, but also help to reduce stress. Most importantly, yoga promotes calmness and solid sense of self, which in turn, leads to increasing inner peace and happiness.

In this rapidly changing technological world, where everyone is stressed due to their personal and professional lives, meditation and Yoga practices have become necessities in being healthy and fit, rejuvenating the healing process sand being our best selves.

We created a space where you can be yourself, away from your responsibilities, commitments and obligations. In this space, we encourage you to reconnect with your body, to feel. Our Yoga classes are a safe place to relax, breathe and meditate in a peaceful and delightful environment. We aim to make our Brisbane yoga classes affordable so that everyone can enjoy the benefits of yoga!

So why wait…. Join Cultivate Yoga! We promise you won’t regret joining it!

Beginner’s Guide for Yoga


Are you a beginner at Yoga and looking for a good routine at a professional yoga studio? Here are a few tips you need to keep in mind before starting your yoga routine –

Yoga Studio Location

The yoga studio should be located at a convenient distance to your home or office. Making it easily accessible to walk or drive. Look for a studio with the offering the best yoga Brisbane that is not too far from your home. This will ensure you have a regular yoga routine without any travel excuses.

Proper and Healthy Diet

Following a proper diet of healthy vegetables and fruits helps the body stay more relaxed and calm. Also, ensure you do yoga on empty stomach or 2-3 hours after meals to avoid discomfort.

Dress Comfy

There’s no need to buy fancy workout clothes and expensive trainers for a yoga class. Yoga is done barefoot and requires the person to be at ease. So, dress in comfortable clothes such as track pants and a loose t-shirt this will help you move and stretch easily.

Avoid the first rows

If you are a beginner, try to stay in the middle of the yoga studio. This helps you see how other people are doing their best yoga Brisbane workout and helps you learn the stretches faster.

Basic Hygiene

If you’re practicingat a professional yoga studio, it is important to wear deodorant and ensure you wear fresh clean clothes every day. There’s nothing more unpleasant that smelling someone’s body odor while doing deep breathing exercises!

Introducing the Exclusive Yoga: Experience the Joy in Life


Yoga, the word itself signifies “Union”, which brings you to complete reality and synchronization of your mind, body and soul. Living a fit and healthy life and a holistic lifestyle is the modern day mantra of the now generation. Yoga helps in developing the tools in us to function in this modern chaotic world.

This technology of well-being is well conveyed and taught at Best Yoga Brisbane. Modern-day yoga practice techniques provide tools and solutions that give you the strength to create the life that you want to live. It gives you techniques to manage your mind, body, emotions and the life energy within.

Presenting the Best Yoga Techniques

The best yoga Brisbane classes will help you believe in the benefits of yoga. Specially designed courses and classes for all age groups are offered, finding one to suit your needs is easy. You will be able to take advantage of the age old techniques for relief from illness and stress, and live a healthier and happier life with reduced anxiety and being more tolerant.

Yoga Brisbane’s main aim is give you a tranquil place to practice of the ancient system of yoga, thereby promoting well-being, health and stress free lifestyle and make you a more balanced and visionary individual. Yoga Brisbane hosts regular programs like daily yoga classes, meditation sessions, yoga trainings for children and teenagers, corporate and group classes, advances classes, workshops and seminars.

What Do Top Yoga Studios in Brisbane Offer?


What is the best method to calm the mind, strengthen the body and nourish the soul? Practice yoga. The sequence of synchronized movements in yoga offers miraculous mental and physical health benefits.Yoga can get rid of your anxiety, stress and physical discomforts without the consumption of any medications that often offer dangerous side effects.

Practice yoga under the supervision of experienced yoga instructors

If you want to practice yoga in Brisbane, you must find out a reputed and renowned yoga studio with experienced teachers.The wrong postures and breathing techniques are not going to deliver the same high level of results. Highly experienced teachers are generally associated with the best studios, you will gain more benefit by practicing yoga the right way.Good teachers will correct your posture, even if it is a minor adjustment to help you get the most of the amazing benefits.

Most suitable ambiance is a very aspect while practicing yoga

It is always advisable to practice yoga in a serene studio where you feel comfortable and don’t have many distractions Many of the best yoga studios in Brisbane offer separate classes for beginners and experienced people. Generally, after you first few classes you can attend any class and it does not matter what level you are. Yoga can be practiced at your level. Top yoga studios Brisbane follow a systematic method approach to bring unbelievable transformation both physically and mentally.

Yoga is the best medicine for all your physical and mental discomforts.Choose one of the best yoga studio in Brisbane to experience the excellent benefits it has to offer.