Yoga Posture – Do I Really Do It Right?

Yoga Posture – Do I Really Do It Right?The importance of good posture when practicing Brisbane yoga is undisputed. Swami Kriyananda very appropriately said, “Right posture is vitally important to the yogi.” Any yoga asana “…should be practiced for gaining steady posture, health and lightness of body.” It is one of the most vital elements of success in meditation and “the fruit of right poise is the strength to resist the shocks of infatuation or sorrow” – Patanjali in his Yoga Sutras.

So, is your yoga posture right? Or does it need a little adjustment? Why this matters is because the secret to meditation is “sitting upright with a straight spine; feeling that your strength emanates from your spine rather than from the muscles of your body” – Swami Kriyananda. After years of practicing yoga, do you want to end up seeing yourself meditating with a bent spine? As Yogananda rightly said that “Abent spine is the enemy of self-realization,” practicing incorrect yoga posture will never help you attain enlightenment and wellbeing.

Let’s see what our Yoga gurus point out as right postures to express energy, vitality, and happiness:

•    Sit on a silk or woollen blanket facing the east
•    Your spine straight
•    The abdomen in
•    Your chest out
•    The chin should be positioned parallel to the ground
•    The shoulder blades should be placed together
•    The cup-shaped palms should rest upturned at the junction of your thighs and abdomen
•    Your eyes should be closed or half-closed; look up without the eyes crossed

Practicing Brisbane yoga in the correct posture will make your body feel light and relaxed, yet emitting energy and power. The centre of your body (the spine) …see how glorious and healthy it feels! You would experience your inner strength and happiness emanating from your spine instead from the muscles of your body. Do it wrong and you will observe your “house of meditation” instantly crumbling!

Yoga asanas are an immense blessing when it comes to spinal awareness and improving back strength. “The majority of the yoga postures related in some way or another to the development of this spinal awareness, either by stretching and irrigating the spine, or by inducing a more centred consciousness.” So practice yoga regularly and integrate the postures in your daily lifestyle to get effective results.

Join Brisbane yoga today and know what the right posture is for you.

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Beginner’s Guide for Yoga


Are you a beginner at Yoga and looking for a good routine at a professional yoga studio? Here are a few tips you need to keep in mind before starting your yoga routine –

Yoga Studio Location

The yoga studio should be located at a convenient distance to your home or office. Making it easily accessible to walk or drive. Look for a studio with the offering the best yoga Brisbane that is not too far from your home. This will ensure you have a regular yoga routine without any travel excuses.

Proper and Healthy Diet

Following a proper diet of healthy vegetables and fruits helps the body stay more relaxed and calm. Also, ensure you do yoga on empty stomach or 2-3 hours after meals to avoid discomfort.

Dress Comfy

There’s no need to buy fancy workout clothes and expensive trainers for a yoga class. Yoga is done barefoot and requires the person to be at ease. So, dress in comfortable clothes such as track pants and a loose t-shirt this will help you move and stretch easily.

Avoid the first rows

If you are a beginner, try to stay in the middle of the yoga studio. This helps you see how other people are doing their best yoga Brisbane workout and helps you learn the stretches faster.

Basic Hygiene

If you’re practicingat a professional yoga studio, it is important to wear deodorant and ensure you wear fresh clean clothes every day. There’s nothing more unpleasant that smelling someone’s body odor while doing deep breathing exercises!

Cut Down Your Extra Inches With Yoga Brisbane

meditation-classes-brisbane-150x150When you talk about embracing fitness and love to lead a healthy joyful lifestyle. Brisbane has some of the finest yoga studios. Yoga is the perfect way to mix the century old science to heal the modern-day challenges filled with stress, depression and a hectic lifestyle. Yoga in Brisbane is getting very popular as more number of people are looking to find a way to release to release the stress and depression of daily life. Trying something for the first time can be difficult.

So, the yoga studios are bringing the best method to teach how to learn and enjoy the power of yoga in a step by step process. Amidst the busy street and far away from the hectic work schedule Yoga studios have become a retreat and a breath of fresh air.

Yoga Brisbane is all about how you feel on the inside. Teaching you to be calm and joyful so that you are able to work with full energy and less negativity. It can make any obstacle feel like less of an obstacle to your mental thought process. Yoga Brisbane is a way of life, to make build more confidence and to help others to be inspired by you. Yoga in Brisbane is not only about doing rigorous physical exercise and sweating like a pig. It is about to finding inner peace and filling you with love and tenderness.

People will see the difference in you, they get a positive vibe when they meet you. Bring out the yogi inside you and you can easily let go of anything that is blocking your way. The first step is always the most difficult one. Once you are on the magical journey of the yoga way, there is nothing more wonderful or magical than this. The process of connecting yourself to nature itself is the most mystic thing in the world.

Get More Benefits of Yoga Brisbane Classes


Relax your body and mind with yoga Brisbane Southside. Over last few years, yoga in Brisbane has become very popular among people because it helps to lead an active and healthy lifestyle. Many classes of various styles are available including Vinyasa yoga and Yin Yoga or yoga for pregnant women, yoga for the adults,just to name a few. Yoga can be extremely challenging as well extremely rewarding at the same time.
Due to the popularity of yoga, there are now many yoga studios.It has become very difficult to select the right one for you.

Cultivate Calm yoga Brisbane Southside classes, are held in a welcoming space, by a selection of experienced instructors, who are more than happy to assist you. The majority of yoga in Brisbane classes concentrates on asanas, postures and breathing.

Just remember these points also:

  • Avoid using electronic equipment’s well as other accessories like cell phones, shoes, pagers, grumpy attitudes, and chewing gum outside the yoga class
  • Avoid smoking or drinking alcohol immediately before your yoga class.
  • Keep classroom conversations to a minimum during class
  • Avoid strong cologne or perfume
  • Always go to bathroom prior to the beginning of class.

If you keep all the points in mind and you will certainly obtain the advantages of yoga. So don’t wait, just go for it.

Is It Necessary To Join A Yoga Studio For Beginner


As a beginner, when we think of starting practicing yoga one question pops in our head, “should we do it at home by ourselves or should we join a yoga studio?” The answer lies in your knowledge of yoga and how far the studio is from your home. There’s nothing bad in practicing yoga Brisbane at home, in fact, it will save you the traveling time. However, there are a few drawbacks, especially if you are a beginner. Joining many of the yoga studios Brisbane offer tons of benefits. You may already be able to do the asana in the right way, but practicing it in front of an experienced teacher can take you deeper into the posture giving you the maximum benefit.

A good teacher will observe all your asanas to make sure you are doing it in right way. They will also educate you on the physical and mental benefits of the specific asana or posture.

Another major benefit of joining any Yoga Studios Brisbane is the motivation. Practicing with others who share the same interest will motivate you to give your best and to do it regularly.

To enjoy the many benefits of yoga, it is advised that you choose an established and trustworthy Yoga Brisbane studio. Cultivate Calm Yoga is a reputable studio of Brisbane that offers classes and courses for beginners through to the more experienced. All of there teachers are experienced, friendly and happy to help regardless if you have done yoga before or have been practicing for years.

Should You Start Yoga At Home or Join A Studio


These days, more and more people are joining yoga studios. When we think of practicing yoga, a dilemma pops in our mind, “whether we should join a yoga studio or should practice at home?”Yoga Brisbane has its advantages regardless of where you want to practice. Let’s take you through the benefits of both to help you in making the best choice for you.

Yoga only requires enough space to practice different asanas and postures. People often want to practice yoga at home because they don’t want to travel to any of the yoga studios Brisbane. However, while practicing on your own, there will is no teacher to observe you and to tell you whether you are practicing asanas correctly or not. Many of the benefits of yoga are only become available if a posture or asana is done correctly. When starting something like yoga Brisbane, we often require others to keep you motivated on your journey and to maintain the interest and challenge in the activity.

Joining any of the Yoga studios Brisbane and practicing yoga under the guidance of a trained yoga Brisbane professional can really help you deepen your skills and efficiently improve your performance as well.

Cultivate Calm Yoga is one of the most reliable and reputable Yoga studios Brisbane that offer a tranquil environment to practice yoga. They have a team of highly experienced and friendly teachers who motivate you to get better and guide you and assist you with asanas and postures.

Looking for best Yoga Classes in Brisbane – Cultivate Calm Yoga


In today’s fast paced life, many people do not have the time to practice Yoga. However, this certainly does not lessen the importance of Yoga in Brisbane. Yoga provides peace of mind and also helps to develop physical well being.If you are someone who has trouble getting to a class why not consider doing Yoga classes. It is a new and clever solution for many people.

Signing up for an Yoga class is very easy. At Yoga class, the individual is personally directed through one-on-one session, conducted through HD video conferencing. Spending 15 to 20 minutes every day in Yoga classes will assure you have a healthy body and peace of mind through the day. All the yoga sites have sessions custom-made for the individuals, along with the latest technologies for easy communication between the learner and the instructor.

These health portals also provide amazing health treatments.Although, this theory is new, it is already in the headlines. Now, you can attend a sixty minutes Yoga class of choice no matter where you are in the world. You just need to join Yoga classes.

Finding The Right Yoga Class In Brisbane


These days, Yoga is more popular than ever before. People across the world are practicing different Yoga asanas to attain the transforming benefits it offers. When considering yoga for the first time, a few question pops in everyone’s mind, where do I start? What type of yoga should I try? If you are considering yoga, then joining any of the Yoga classes in Brisbane can help you learn the type of yoga you might like.

Before joining any class, make sure to do a little research and choose the class that has experienced teachers to guide you. Cultivate Calm Yoga is one of the most trusted Yoga Brisbane Studios that offers a wide range of Yoga classes for beginners as well as for those who are more experienced.

The teachers at Cultivate Calm Yoga will teach you Yoga the right way and guide you through each pose. They will also help you understand the benefit and meaning of each of the asana. So, if you are thinking you could benefit from Yoga, then Cultivate Calm Yoga studio is a great place for you to start.

Is Yoga Really Effective in Stress Relief?

In today’s fast paced and competitive world, everyone suffers from anxiety and stress. However, chronic anxiety takes a significant toll on the body – this drains our patience, self-confidence and positive energy – while also keeping you in the constant state of stress. When the body doesn’t exercise, the impact of anxiety is magnified – tension in the muscles builds and constant whirling of thoughts and feelings that feed the anxiety. This is where Brisbane Yoga can help you.

It is medically proven that Yoga and other exercise help your body, access the inner strength and get rid of stress. Yoga when practiced regularly reduces stress and balances your mind, body, and soul, which boosts your confidence and fades stress day after day.

Yoga is based around breathing and regulating the breath. This calms the body and assists you to acquire peace of mind, and relax the body.Over the years yoga has become more popular, as our lives get busier more people are becoming interested in Yoga. After learning its benefits, people across the world are adopting Yoga in their daily life.

To get in the path of yoga, you need to find a trusted Brisbane Yoga studio for yourself. Cultivate Calm Yoga is a widely popular yoga studio of Brisbane, that offers a complete range of classes for beginners as well as more experienced – helping hundreds of people achieve their goal and objectives in Yoga.